Online Marketing

August 25, 2017
What is a Web Developer?
1. What is web development? A web developer’s 1. What is web development? A web developer’s job is to create websites. While their primary role is to ensure the website is visually appealing and easy to navigate, many web developers are also responsible for the website’s performance and capacity. 2. What Types Of Web Developers

August 25, 2017
What does a web designer do?
What is a web designer? Web design is the process of establishing the aesthetic appearance of a web page, including how content is arranged and how the elements of design are implemented. Web designers are typically focused on what is called the “front-end” of the website, the part of the website users actually see and

August 25, 2017
Top 9 Essential Skills Required to Be a Web Developer
Top 9 essential skills required to become a web developerThe world of technology is always evolving, new advancements, new features and new technologies happen every year. There are so many different careers in the tech industry, there’s a lot to choose from.Are you considering a career in web development but not sure if it’s right
Search Engines

August 2, 2017
On-Page SEO in 2017
The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimisation. This is the platform for constructing the web pages and apply some techniques to help you rank better on the search engine result pages. The better your page ranks on individual search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing etc., the higher traffic your page will get.

August 2, 2017
Google Algorithm Updates
Throughout the year Google is constantly making updates to their algorithms, and that causes rank fluctuations in the search results. So far In 2019, Google has already rolled out several confirmed core algorithm updates.Below you’ll find an up-to-date summary of the confirmed and unconfirmed updates with additional resources and links to help you better understand
June 20, 2017
How to appear in Google’s #1 page
The best place to hide a dead body is on the second page of Google. You’ve probably heard that before. It’s a common joke amongst SEOs because only 0.78% of people click results on the second page of Google. That is why you should read this guide, you’ll learn how to solve that in 7 easy